List of Carmen Argenziano Films

Carmen Argenziano
A Mom for Christmas

A Mom for Christmas


The story revolves around 11-year-old Jessica, whose mother died when she was three years old. Her father Jim is a workaholic with little time for his daughter. Just before the Christmas holiday season, Jessica wins a free wish from a wishing well. Her wish for a mother for Christmas is granted by Philomena and Amy, a department store mannequin, is brought to life to be a mom for Jessica.

Into the Night

Into the Night


Ed Okin used to have a boring life. He used to have trouble getting to sleep. Then one night, he met Diana. Now, Ed's having trouble staying alive.

Dangerously Close

Dangerously Close


Rebel without a cause or a clue at an elite but uptight college discovers some of his classmates have formed an even more elite clique more or less hell-bent on ridding the school, and quite possibly American society, of what they deem to be its undesirables because of ethnicity, politics, etc. Our hero recruits a teacher and some other "less desirable" classmates to undermine the elitists, and, naturally, things get quite violent.

Naked Vengeance

Naked Vengeance


After witnessing her husband's brutal murder, Carla travels to her parents' home in a small mountain town to start over. When she's repeatedly harassed by redneck locals, Carla seeks help from the town sheriff but is met with indifference. This continues until Carla's finally attacked, raped, and her parents executed by the twisted townies. Carla, after escaping a mental hospital, resolves to get bloody revenge.

The Godfather: Part II

The Godfather: Part II


In the continuing saga of the Corleone crime family, a young Vito Corleone grows up in Sicily and in 1910s New York. In the 1950s, Michael Corleone attempts to expand the family business into Las Vegas, Hollywood and Cuba.

A Better Way to Die

A Better Way to Die


Boomer (Wiper) is a rookie cop based in the urban hellhole that is downtown Chicago. After his involvement in a drug bust operation which results in the death of Carlos (Carmen Argenziano), his mentor and father figure, Boomer becomes disillusioned with the brutal and inhumane nature of his job. Consequently, he decides to hand in his resignation to the Chicago Police Department and return to his home town of Joliet, where his fiancé, Kelly (Natasha Henstridge), awaits.While en route back to Joliet, however, Boomer makes a grievous error in judgment when he stops for, and assists, an unfortunate motorist whose vehicle appears to have broken down; the naive ex-cop is swiftly attacked and rendered unconscious. Boomer awakes to find that his car and wallet have been stolen, and that he has become involved in a dangerous game of mistaken identity.

Sterben - Aber richtig!

Sterben - Aber richtig!


Nach zwölf Jahren im Dienst hängt Detective Boomer vom Chicago Police Department desillusioniert die Marke an den Nagel und beschließt, zur Jugendliebe auf's Land zurückzukehren. Die Fahrt dorthin gerät unversehens zur lebensgefährlichen Odyssee, als Boomer schon wenige Kilometer hinter der Stadt beraubt und im folgenden von FBI und Gangstern mit einem korrupten FBI-Agenten verwechselt wird. Unterstützung findet er schließlich in der Frau des echten Gesuchten. Gemeinsam gelingt es dem unfreiwilligen Duo, die Verfolger nach und nach auszutricksen.

Gone in Sixty Seconds

Gone in Sixty Seconds


Upon learning that he has to come out of retirement to steal 50 cars in one night to save his brother Kip's life, former car thief Randall "Memphis" Raines enlists help from a few "boost happy" pals to accomplish a seemingly impossible feat. From countless car chases to relentless cops, the high-octane excitement builds as Randall swerves around more than a few roadblocks to keep Kip alive.